This is a personal project that I started to help me track my Salesforce Administrator job search progress. This project features the custom objects Positions, and uses the standard objects Accounts and Contacts.
Positions include all of the positions I have applied to or considered applying to. Accounts holds the company details for the companies that have the open positions. Contacts include any contacts I have at a potential employer such as recruiters.
A custom home page features a dashboard that shows how many jobs I’ve applied to, response rate, and an overview of all jobs I have found in my search. It also has calendar to save any job fairs, interviews or other job-hunting related events. Additionally it features tasks related to my job search that need to be completed.
This app is a work in progress and is updated as needed to enhance my job search.
Screenshot of Account object including custom fields. View of the custom object Position and custom object fields. View of the custom app home page. View of a completed position entry.